Billingsgate Associates LLC provides professional litigation related investigations and consulting services.
Our areas of expertise include Criminal Investigations for the Defense, Criminal Case Review and Consultation, Alimony Reform Case Investigations, Victim and Witness Locating and Interviewing Services, Wrongful Death & Personal Injury (including Mesothelioma Cases). We also specialize in Corporate & Municipal Internal Affairs Investigations.
Billingsgate Associates LLC has the experience to provide legal defense teams with the very best investigative services possible to help them defend their clients.
Billingsgate Associates LLC has a proven record working with law firms specializing in numerous plaintiff's Wrongful Death & Personal Injury matters, including asbestos & mesothelioma cases.
More Information about Wrongful Death & Personal Injury Cases
Alimony attorneys can request that payments be modified or eliminated if it can be demonstrated that the recipient ex-spouse and a new partner now cohabitate & present themselves as a couple in common.